Employers In The Irish Financial Services & FinTech Industry: Are You Ready For This Change In 2019?

Employers In The Irish Financial Services & FinTech Industry: Are You Ready For This Change In 2019?

December 20 2018

If you're an employee or employer in the Irish FinTech and Financial Services industry, you'd probably agree that 2018 was quite a year.

The Irish economy continues to grow but has been both buoyed and battered by Brexit.

Brexit turmoil has encouraged more UK-based financial services companies have begun moving over to Ireland. 

The Brexit business migration has put the squeeze on access to talent and we're now seeing much more of a candidate-led market. (Click To Tweet This)

What does this mean for employers?

For one thing, we see talented people moving past salaries as the main driver for their next role. 

Remember Maslow and his Hierarchy of Needs?

Well, the higher levels are now taking precedence. 


More and more talented candidates are asking us about the potential employer's workplace culture, career progression pathways, as well as other such factors.

Most often, though, we're asked about the role responsibilities.

That's code for: "Is the role interesting and challenging enough for me?"

If you're part of the hiring process in a Financial Services or FinTech business, it is definitely worth taking some time to reflect on these changes. 

The Celtic Tiger isn't back prowling around Ireland's urban centres but there is definitely a change in the air; candidates can sense it and are now looking for more.

Is your company ready? 

Not sure or want a sounding bell?

Get in touch for a chat 😊
